


Featuring students and alumni of the 职业治疗博士 (定单计划) program who exemplify excellence.



布里是威尼斯人网上娱乐学院的三年级学生 职业治疗博士(定单计划) 将于2024年毕业! In her last year of the 定单计划 program, Bri has had the opportunity to complete a doctoral caps在St的调音经验. Louis University: Transformative Justice Initiative and 职业治疗 Transition and Integration Services in St. 路易斯,密苏里州.

名称: Bri布儒斯特
家乡: 得梅因,印第安纳州
学位课程: 2024年5月
顶石组织: St. Louis University: Transformative Justice Initiative and 职业治疗 Transition and Integration Services
地点: St. 路易斯,密苏里州
跟我们说说你的博士学位吧. What were your responsibilities and what did a typical day look like for you?
I go to the mobile clinic three days a week and work with a transdisciplinary team that includes a physician and community referral coordinator. I complete occupational profiles and the intake process with each client alongside the community referral coordinator. I provide follow-up assessments and interventions as needed. Areas addressed through OT follow-up include health management, 睡眠, ADL/IADL家庭评估, 功能的移动, 社会流动性, 等.
  • Develop and implement occupational therapy's role in a pilot mobile health clinic that provides services to people with an incarceration history.
  • Provide direct services to clients on mobile clinic operation days
  • Support the project's sustainability through dissemination, creating a handbook outlining clinic processes and procedures, creating a document library that includes occupational therapy forms for use in the clinic and intervention-related materials

My favorite part of the doctoral capstone experience is the opportunity to apply all that we've learned to create something novel. I also appreciate the opportunity to work with my capstone mentor, 谁有很多经验和专业知识可以分享.


Drake's 定单计划 program offered many opportunities for community engagement. 我来自得梅因, and the opportunity to collaborate with people and organizations in the community was a highlight of my experience at Drake.

How has Drake helped you prepare for your future career as an occupational therapy professional?

Through community-engaged learning, I had multiple opportunities to work with real clients. This experience throughout my education at Drake helped me develop important skills that will translate into my occupational therapy practice.

你的职业目标是什么? Have they changed at all since you started Drake's 定单计划 program?

When I started Drake's 定单计划 program, I really wanted to work in mental health. My goal of working in mental health has not changed. 我喜欢把心理健康作为一个实践领域. 从威尼斯人网上娱乐的定单计划项目毕业后, I would like to pursue a mental health fellowship to continue developing my skills in this area. 

What is one piece of advice you would give to future occupational therapy students?

Be present and enjoy the learning process instead of focusing on the outcome (grades, 毕业, 等.) Take the pressure off yourself to "get things right" so you can enjoy the opportunity to explore and figure things out.



Bri布儒斯特 - St. Louis University: Transformative Justice Initiative and 职业治疗 Transition and Integration Services |博士凯普斯通

汉娜为人 -内布拉斯加州农业能力|博士顶点

奥利维亚Freehill -麦岭区域中心|博士顶点

珍娜·格雷戈勒 -东方之星共济会之家|博士顶点

莎拉Hulstein - 威尼斯人网上娱乐 Office of Access and Success |博士凯普斯通

悉尼的咆哮 - Hive Day Program at Bee You Therapy, LLC |博士凯普斯通

Allison睫毛 - Sherwood自闭症中心|博士凯普斯通


Karissa奥尔森 - ChildServe | phd Capstone

凯文Ockenfels - Open Doors Organization |博士顶点

左拉懒惰 - Rainbow Tree Therapies, LLC |博士凯普斯通

Danyelle萨顿 -授权之家|博士顶点

Tiya铁托 - Elmhurst College Masters of 职业治疗 Program |博士凯普斯通

夏延Voshell - Iowa Department of Human Rights |博士凯普斯通

Jenna-Lynn Willer - E3 Collective/Swim Empowered |博士凯普斯通

凯特琳莱特 - University of Northern Iowa Student-Athlete Academic Services |博士凯普斯通


布列塔尼比伯 -项目更新|博士顶点

罗伯特Boarman - VA中央爱荷华州医疗保健|博士顶点

杰米•布莱恩 - Iowa State University Digital 可访问性 Lab |博士凯普斯通

艾米丽Cuddy - the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |博士凯普斯通

Karagan费舍尔 - UnityPoint North Crossing Clinic |博士凯普斯通

香农费海提 -一匹马的连接|博士顶点

杰西卡自己 - Optimae Rehabilitation Services and Mindspring Mental Health Alliance |博士凯普斯通

Mary-Grace Hupfeld -威尼斯人网上娱乐|博士顶点

马迪根Koneval - OSF医疗保健街. Francis Medical Center Outpatient Rehabilitation |博士凯普斯通

Bri Mazzei -超越水上运动|博士顶点

Alyana McCalley - National Sports Center for the Disabled |博士凯普斯通

古斯塔夫森说Steinke - MercyOne Des Moines NICU |博士点

泰勒Weetman - JHRN Clinic for Performing Artists at the Peabody Institute |博士凯普斯通

杰基Widmer - SwedishAmerican Hospital NICU |博士凯普斯通



当归Gacek - UnityPoint Trinity Health |博士顶点

海莉·哈恩(米尔斯) -行为健康专家公司. |博士凯普斯通

Maranda梅茨 - Stead Family Children's Hospital |博士凯普斯通

杰西卡·内夫 - Saint Louis University's (SLU) 职业治疗 Transition and Integration Services |博士凯普斯通


嘉莉Behrends - Utah State Hospital | Mental Health Level II Fieldwork

艾米丽·霍金斯 - Millenium Therapy | Geriatric, Long-Term Care and Skilled Nursing Level II Fieldwork

艾米丽的模拟 - St. Jude Children's Re搜索 Hospital | Pediatric Level II Fieldwork

伊丽莎白·里克• - the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center |博士凯普斯通

玛丽亚·罗伊 - On With Life |神经学II级野外考察

玛丽亚·罗伊 - 年康复 & 咨询服务公司|研究生职业生涯

马特Schimek -威尼斯人网上娱乐|博士顶点

艾琳Speth -全面治疗|研究生生涯


凯特起重机 - On With Life | II级野外考察

艾米丽Nadolny - St. Florian Fire and Burn Foundation's Miracle Burn Camp | Level II Fieldwork

曼迪殿 -犹他州立医院| II级野外考察